Please click here to download a Medical Certificate Form.
Medical certificates will no longer be completed during consultations
It is important that you only enter a brief summary of your medical problem and list and date all activities which have been affected including the Category you are requesting 1, 2 or 3. The form will not be actioned without this information.
Non-urgent advice: Important
Hand written forms are not acceptable as we are unable to edit scanned documents.
Please download the form, complete and send as a word document to our email address at:
The form will be completed by the Health Centre, ready for collection within 3 working days.
The charge for each certificate is £20, this can be paid by card over the phone.
You will need to pay before you submit the form.
If you did not see a Clinician at the time of your illness you do not need an appointment, simply complete the form as above.
It is important that you only request a medical certificate if essential.
Self Certification
Students should self-certify for short lived minor illnesses of up to 7 days except where the absence is at a time of a significant assessment or major exam.
Mitigating Circumstances
Medical certificates for mitigating circumstances
Mitigating Circumstances are unforeseen events or circumstances which have a significant negative impact on your ability to successfully complete, or study effectively in preparation for, summative assessment tasks such as essays, written or oral examinations, assessed presentations or assessed laboratory work.
Examples of mitigating circumstances may include:
- Significant physical or psychological illness (which in employment context would have led to a period of sickness absence)
- Serious illness or death of a member of your immediate family (e.g. mother, father, sister, brother, son, daughter)(which in an employment context would have led to a period of compassionate leave)
- Sudden deterioration in a long standing medical condition or disability
- Being the victim of a serious crime
- Legal proceedings requiring attendance at court
The following would not normally be accepted as mitigating circumstances:
- Personal illness or disability for which special arrangements are already in place
- Failure to read the examination timetable or coursework deadline properly
- Pressure of work
- Failure to save work properly
- Minor illnesses or self-induced conditions (e.g. colds, coughs, sore throats, hay fever, hangovers etc.)
- Religious festivals as work should be planned to be completed before and clashes with exams anticipated at the beginning of the academic year and the exam office informed.
- Domestic or personal disruptions which may have been anticipated (e.g. moving house, holidays etc.)
- Sporting fixtures
Only request a Medical Certificate if essential.
Self Certification Form
If you need or require a self-certificaiton form, this can be downloaded using the link here – Self-Certification Form