Booking Appointments
GP surgery times vary, for exact time and details of doctors in attendance please contact reception.
Appointments can be made by telephoning the centre or by calling into reception.
An appointment with the Dr or Nurse of your choice cannot be guaranteed although where possible this will be accommodated.
If you can no longer make your appointments please contact us as early as possible to prevent waste of clinician’s valuable time.
If you have several problems or very complex problems please explain to the receptionist so we can book a double appointment if needed.
Cancelling Appointments
If you can no longer make your appointments please contact us as early as possible to prevent waste of clinician’s valuable time.
This can be done by contacting the surgery on 0247 526 3418 or via our website at: [email protected] – Please include your full name and date of birth and appointment time.
Telephone Consultations
If you need to book a telephone consultation with a doctor or nurse please contact the surgery on
0247 526 3418 and a receptionist will arrange for a doctor or nurse to call you back.
If for any reason you will be unable to take the call, please notify the surgery as soon as possible.