Morning After Pill
You do not need to see a Clinician if you are 24 and under and need the Morning After Pill.
It can be obtained free of charge from the following Pharmacies:
Boots Pharmacy – Cannon Park, Coventry.
Tel: 024 76417158
Boots Pharmacy – Jardine Crescent, Coventry.
Tel:024 76466824
Monarch Pharmacy – Prior Deram Walk, Canley, Coventry.
Tel:024 76674826
Please phone the Pharmacy in advance to ensure that the duty pharmacist is trained to deliver this service
Things you might not know
- Withdrawal is not “being careful” – studies have shown 27% couples choosing this method are pregnant after a year.
- Condoms are fantastic at preventing infection but not so good as preventing pregnancy – 15% of couples starting off with this method are pregnant after a year and if that is not what you want think again.
- Emergency hormonal contraception is not a guarantee – Although the risk of unplanned pregnancy is reduced, there remains a risk which depends upon the timing of ovulation.
- A copper IUD is virtually 100% effective in preventing unintended pregnancy if fitted in the appropriate time interval after unprotected intercourse.
- The only method of contraception that has evidence of weight gain associated with its use is the injection – pills patches rings and coils do not.
- A 7-day gap between pills patches and rings may be too long for 1/50 women already so don’t stretch it.
- Long acting methods mean that you do not have to worry about forgetting – but you do not lose control as very importantly they are reversible and are known as LARCs.
- If you have a baby and do not breast feed, you can produce the first egg at within a month so could be pregnant at your postnatal check – talk about contraception before then.
- You have a period if an egg is not fertilised. You therefore cannot rely on not having a period to assume that you could not be pregnant. This might apply when weaning, after the injection, after cancer treatment and in various other situations.
- More than 20 women older than 50 have a termination each year in England alone. Remember that contraception is needed for at least one year after the menopause.